But then there is Mars, a planet that many scientists would like to visit. A place not liveable for humans at the moment, but in restoration to become our new earth. Researchers are looking to find us a planet B, because in all truth… If we don’t do anything about climate change there is a chance we outlive the earth.
Scientists and astronomers think people can make Mars home. But why would we want that? What is so intriguing about mars? And why don’t we fix our earthly problems? It is a fact that humanity puts millions of dollars in space, we always want more, newer and better. With the money that is being invested in space travel, we can solve our climate problems. But we don’t seem bothered by it, it doesn’t seem to dawn on us that global warming cannot be reversed and gets worse if we don’t take action.
Strangely, a girl of 16 years old has to beg world leaders to also think about her generation and to please consider to not think about money for a second.
Mars is not the place to be. The air is not breathable and the ground is bare and dry. It looks like a dried-out desert but is as cold Antarctica. According to the plans of NASA and Elon Musk, the first Mars landing with a crew will take place within 5 years. The goal is to start a colony on Mars, to terraform the planet and to make it our second home. Apart from the absurd idea of going to a planet where there is little food, no air or drinking water, starting a new colony also brings questions with it. This story describes a doom scenario to educate people that there is a good chance that the plans for terraformation could mean the end of humanity. We must stand against the “disposable culture” we live in and treat our earth with respect.
The doom scenario is explained in a child-like way. What could happen if one started a colony on Mars? Zion lives in 2121 and has to live with the mistakes of previous generations. She cannot leave the house without a pollution mask, there is little food, animalsare extinct and the climate goes to the extreme. Together with her sister, she is part of the first Mars generation, people have to move to Mars because the earth offers too few facilities for everyone and it seems easier to start over on a different planet. While living on mars the government works according to communism. There are five professions and each person is assigned a job that one must complete. The agricultural sector, the tech quarters, care and welfare, authorities and structural engineers. Together one has to build a society in two years, to prepare the planet for a new generation.
In the collection, these professions are again portrayed by adapting and amusing an existing spacesuit. The collection is made in a sustainable way entirely from recycled fabrics and used work clothes.
The collection conveys the message of the story and shows that rejected items of clothing can be given new life by reusing them. The main purpose of this concept is to wake up humanity and to give people the scares. Do they really want a hopeless future for their children and grandchildren?