Freelance Copywriter


Humankind strives for the ideal body shape since the 18th century. Known as: the hourglass figure. During this time the waist was narrowed with a corset and the hip was enlarged with panniers.

This beauty ideal is also the same in Dutch folklore, you can see this in ‘het jakje’ this clothing-piece has boning to help create a tiny waist.

Nowadays social media has a lot to say about beauty. There is a lot of image manipulation with the help of photoshop. This makes the ideal body not realistic for a lot of women. The corset is back again and people again people are using waist trainers to create a small waist. The ‘’image’’ influences people negatively. Some women are not happy with their shape and do everything for perfection. People are considering plastic surgery or other methods, some of them can’t stop changing themselves and have serious Botox addiction or anorexia.

Trying to change yourself has led to this concept. There is a link between coarse/fine, hard/soft, narrow/wide. The concept shows the ongoing struggle with the perfectionism of humanity.

But isn’t beauty on the inside?